2023-2025 Catalog

CSOV 351 Indigenous Self-Determination in Food Sovereignty

Indigenous Self-Determination in Food Sovereignty connects food sovereignty with students' relational accountability to protect their traditional homelands and the traditional ways of life that sustain their people. This course presents how food sovereignty is crucial to enacting the guiding principles of Indigenousness and sovereignty. It presents examples of food sovereignty from the past and explores how it is essential for present and future survival. 




CSOV 301


  1. Worldview: demonstrate their own relational accountability through food sovereignty of their people.
  2. Skills: demonstrate how to use specific traditional foods to support food sovereignty of their people.
  3. Values: illustrate how they value food sovereignty as central to Indigenous self-determination and inherent sovereignty.
  4. Knowledge: describe specific ways in which food sovereignty is crucial to the past, present, and future survival and inherent sovereignty of their people.