2023-2025 Catalog

CARE 320 Self-location in Professional Settings

Examines self as a system in the context of families, tribes, and communities. Compares personal, tribal and professional values to Professional Code of Ethics. Introduces interpersonal systems, professional relationships, self as leader, self-care as ethical obligation, and role of reflective writing for scholar practitioners. Prerequisite: CARE 310




  1. Develop a personal statement that includes a professional philosophy of helping, articulation of a personal understanding of self, what it means to help, and why she or he wants to enter a helping field.
  2. Reflect on self as a system in the context of families, tribes, and communities.
  3. Evaluate potential leadership skills incorporating leadership theories, Myers-Briggs personality type, conflict resolution style, and locus of control.
  4. Develop a personal plan for self-care based on an understanding of the ethical obligation.