2023-2025 Catalog

BIOL 350 Ethnobiology: People/Plants/Animals

Study of the interrelationships between people and biological organisms in a multidisciplinary field of inquiry where the subject matter and approaches to subjects may vary greatly. Focus is on topics and concerns relevant to Native Americans with special emphasis on the Pacific Northwest. Prerequisites: BIOL 202 and 203.




  1. Identify, distinguish and describe the various aspects of ethnobiology as cultural and academic concerns (e.g., cultural priorities and protocols; history of the named discipline, subject matter, methods, etc.).
  2. Compare and contrast different cultural approaches to the examination of ethnobiological topics.
  3. Read, analyze and discuss the various aspects of ethnobiological research reports.
  4. Produce an ethnobiological research project proposal.
  5. Identify 25 species of ethnobiological significance.