TVRS 308 Addictions and Tribal Voc Rehab Srv
Provides an overview of the effects of substance use and other types of addiction. Identifies different types of treatment, both tribally-based and mainstream. Reviews implications and best practices for counselors providing TVR services for participants reporting addictions including eligibility determination, plan development, and service provision.
- Identify the possible effects (emotional, physical, behavioral) of use/abuse/addiction to alcohol and other classes of drugs.
- Identify factors that may be contribute to Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
- Describe strength and limitations of treatment models available to participants reporting addictions or chemical dependency.
- Describe how use/abuse/addiction impacts eligibility determination, plan development and service provision.
- Demonstrate the skills required to initiate the skills required to initiate and develop relationships with both tribal and mainstream treatment programs.
- Define a process for identifying assessing an deferring participants with SUD for appropriate tribal or mainstream treatment.