MATH 91 Concepts & Skills Numeracy Algebra
Strengthens concepts and skills in numeracy and algebra necessary to resolve an incomplete grade received in MATH 070 through MATH 099 or to prepare for a mathematics placement examination. Requires that a learning contract be developed between the student and instructor. (N)
- Make mathematical conclusions based on pertinent information and interpret them in context.
- Use multiple representations (graphical, algebraic, geometric, contextual) of expressions and equations consistently and fluently.
- Define, identify, and give examples of equivalent linear and quadratic expressions.
- Factor the greatest common factor from an expression; factor trinomials.
- Define and demonstrate what it means for a number to be a solution to linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, and systems of equations.
- Solve systems of linear equations algebraically and graphically.
- Solve quadratic equations graphically.
- Convert among the various representations of quadratic change (graphs, formulas, tables, context-based).
- Model geometric situations that involve irrational numbers defined by square roots.