2021-2023 Catalog

CARE 330 Policy and Law in Tribal Human Services

Examination of power, political position, ideologies and their impact on decision making. Emphasis on tribal to local, state, and governmental relations and how policies impact tribal communities. Includes research and analysis of policies and the process for proposing policy changes. Prerequisite: CARE 320




  1. Identify uses of specific types of power including personal (charisma), legitimate (position), expert (knowledge), referent (character, ethics), reward, persuasive, coercive and political capital to influence policy and law.
  2. Demonstrate the skills required to research and influence policy at local, state, and federal levels.
  3. Compare and contrast tribal and community policy and law with that of the dominant culture.
  4. Assess your ability as a tribal leader and scholar practitioner to use various types of power to influence outcomes.