2021-2023 Catalog

ANTH 150 Pacific Northwest Ethnobotany

Study of traditional and contemporary knowledge, use, and other cultural roles of botanical organisms among Native American peoples of the Pacific Northwest. Lecture, field and lab activities. (SS)




  1. Collect, press, dry, mount and label herbarium specimens.
  2. Identify unknown plant specimens using a dichotomous plant identification key (and/or other culturally appropriate techniques).
  3. List in botanical Latin, English and (if possible and applicable) Native American language terms and classify (in scientific or Native American terms) the names of 25 species of plants (including those comprising each student's specimen collection).
  4. Design a method of communicating scientific and culturally relevant information regarding a minimum of five of the 25 species associated with the student plant list and/or collection along with the justification and rationale for the methodology (e.g., scientific, cultural, linguistic, educational, social, health).
  5. Describe and communicate information regarding historical and/or contemporary cultural roles for a minimum of five of the 25 species associated with the student plant list and/or collection.