2021-2023 Catalog


Northwest Indian College primarily focuses on recruiting Native American, Alaska Native, and Canadian First Nations students, but follows an ‘open door’ admissions policy. Anyone who has graduated from high school or the equivalent may be accepted into Northwest Indian College. Students who are under the age of 18 without a High School Diploma or the equivalent must obtain permission from their parent or legal guardian and the school district before enrolling for college-level courses in the Running Start program. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information on the Running Start Program.

Students who are not prepared to begin college-level courses are provided with a wide variety of developmental coursework designed to prepare them for more advanced study and to pursue programs suited to their interests and aptitude.

Students who do not have an earned diploma or GED may also take the college placement test to determine eligibility for Ability to Benefit from the education or training offered. Student’s ability to benefit is demonstrated through the college placement test scores.

Students who have had a lapse of enrollment of one year must reapply for admission.