2023-2025 Catalog

Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, Amendments of 1989

In accordance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, NWIC endorses a drug and alcohol free campus. Unlawful possession, manufacture, use or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by students on NWIC property or as part of college activities is prohibited. Any violation of tribal, local, state, or federal law regarding the unlawful possession, manufacture, use or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol may result in referral for prosecution and imposition of penalties.

The college will impose sanctions consistent with tribal, local, state and federal law and adopted regulations on students found to have violated this policy. Such sanctions may include recommendation for completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, expulsion from the college and referral for prosecution. Student disciplinary action will be initiated in accordance with these laws.

Violation of this policy will affect a student’s eligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities sponsored by the college.

A student identified as acting in violation of this policy will have one opportunity of rehabilitation to return to good standing.

A drug and alcohol evaluation will be mandatory within 10 days of the infraction, submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs. All recommended treatment must be followed to remain in good standing.

Drug and alcohol issues are not part of the grievance or appeal process.

The Center for Student Success will provide every opportunity for the student to rehabilitate, however, the student must recognize that they are responsible for choices they make. Knowing that every effort has been made to counsel and support the student; the student must recognize his/her alcohol/drug use will impact their health, relationships, spirit, and academics.